Wednesday, May 6, 2020

War Never Changes Of The American Revolution - 959 Words

â€Å"War. War never changes†. This is a semi-iconic quote from a video-game based in a future world where War has lead to worldwide destruction. However, one does not have to be hundreds of years in the future to understand that the art of war has a pattern. The Civil War and American Revolution, while having great contrasts and a time gap of 78 years, had many similarities. Among these are causes, strategies, and even outcomes. The American Revolution was a defining moment of American history; would America remain as a spawn of the British Kingdom, or would it spread its wings and be free? Obviously the second option was the result, but how did America make it there? The main causes for war are land, wealth, religion, and freedom. So naturally the Revolution was a result of Freedom; the American colonies thought that they were a mature enough of a civilization to not need the British Crown breathing down their necks, but the British Crown spent money protecting them and did not find it fair that Britain was spending money for war. This lead to Great Britain placing seemingly small taxes on America in order to balance out the wages. The taxation began with Sugar Act, then progressed to the Stamp Act and the Quartering Act a year later. Then in 1767, the Townshend Act was passed and angered Americans who then began to riot. Redcoats who were deployed there were attacked, which lead to the Boston Massacre and later the Boston Tea Party. All of this petty feuding lead to largerShow MoreRelatedWhy Do Some Groups Have The Status That They Do?1230 Words   |  5 PagesWhy do some groups have the status that they do? 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